Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Writing Ebooks -11 Points for Writing your Own Money Making Ebooks

Have you been wanting to create your own information products but find it hard getting started? A successful e-book creates powerful income if you do it right. I started selling my first e-book for only $10 but I quickly raised it up to $29.95 because I heard that most people under-price their products.

Today that same first product I created sells successfully at $97. Of course it has evolved into quite a different product since then. I have made a lot of money with all my e-books in the last 4 years. They pay the rent and all my other bills faithfully. Here are 11 points to help you get started making some decent money online creating your own e-books:

1.) Write About Something You Know About - Do you have a special hobby or a business that others would like to know about? If not, maybe a relative or a neighbor does. Study what other people are writing about online.

2.) e-Books That Show People How To Make Money Are Popular. Before you create your product, make sure there is a market for it. I got lucky on my first book. I didn’t look for a market. I just went on faith from the advice of another publisher. My first e-book has done well because it shows people how to make money.

3.) Tips Books Are The Easiest Products To Create - an example would be “50 training tips for dog lovers, “99 profitable businesses to start for less than $500″, “21 days to a new you” etc. (I better shut up. I like that last title.)

4.) Write Your Sales Letter First - this helps shape your product to be what you want it to be and what you want it to accomplish. It is like building a blueprint first before building the go-cart. List all the benefits and features your e-book should have to deliver.

5.) Get An e-Book Compiler Like Adobe PDF, - as soon as I got my software I got excited about the money I could make with it.

6.) Use Digital Pictures To Enhance The Value - if you have a how-to type of book about a trade or a hobby, using your digital camera can greatly enhance your e-books’ perceived value and the price. Plus it helps illustrate what your are teaching with the sharp color photos a digital camera can deliver.

7.) Give Your e-Book the Right Title - Just as a killer headline can increase your sales letters PULL, the right title for your book is just as important also for sales. Make that a Red-Hot title!

8.) Don’t Over-Sell Your Book - don’t over-promise or over-hype things in your sales letter just to sell your e-book or you may get too many people asking for refunds. It is better to over-deliver instead. Making it way better than they thought it would be will make them amazed.

9.) Find Related Follow Up Products For Your e-Book - find profitable “related” products or services that you can add to your book for more profits. Your readers will love the added information and you will love the extra sales.

10.) Enhance Your Product - offer an audio or video to the deal. Just as digital pictures add value to an ebook, so does adding an audio version of it or one or more videos to the package.

11.) Lace Your Products - in time you should have several e-books you are selling online. By adding information about all your other books in the back of each one of them gives you free advertising and extra orders.

So there you go. If you want to start creating your own e-books and marketing them online, it isn’t that hard at all. Remember, tip books are the easiest way to start writing and creating your info-products. You can always format it without the tips once it is structured.

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