Money is something that takes more and more place with us; it motivates many of us to do.
And alternatively – not do.
It is a substantial factor in our decisions.
In our choices.
It will set our life’s quality, our level of living.
It will decide what we do with our time, it will decide for us what will we do for a living, and where.
Isn’t it a bit excessive, letting a piece of paper make decisions for us?
Would you let a restaurant napkin or an A4 paper make so many choices for you?
Where are we?
Where are all the people that allow this to happen?
We were all rebels in childhood; we all dislike getting ordered around all day.
But somehow, we allow money to do that.
For years Tom didn’t go on vacation, despite all his wife’s wishes, he never did.
But one year he couldn’t hold his wife from going to vacation, and decided to allow himself some time off, of course it included a cell phone, palm pilot, laptop, and a list of phone numbers for his secretary and his right hand man in the office, that would be reachable for any question.
From the moment he went on vacation, Tom was hooked to the earplug, trying to give as best answers he could to those on the other side.
Not once a thought went through his head, which this isn’t the best time to travel.
Sometimes that thought slipped through his mouth, but his wife quickly got it out of the conversation.
When they reached the hotel, you could see from the window at the entrance the spectacular view of the island, white sands, azure-blue sea, tropical surroundings, and a few people wearing bathing suits, lying on beach beds under umbrellas.
But Tom was occupied with the heat and stickiness that the humidity left on his body.
During that day, Tom had successfully recharged all his electrical devices, and went through all the e mails he got from the moment he left.
He also got to answering most of the mail, what caused him to reach the dining room shortly before his wife finished her meal.
The moment he sat down with his plate of delicatessens he picked up from the buffet, his wife turned to him and told him she can’t do it anymore, she added assertively that she will not open the door to their room if this situation continued.
He could only return when he was in a romantic and free feeling.
After finishing her words she rose and left the dining room.
Tom was left to finish his meal. Although suddenly it lost its wonderful taste. Despite being a little shocked from his wife’s reply, he knew she was right, but he doesn’t understand, he’s doing all this for her, and the family, and their future.
After several minutes of pondering he understood he couldn’t stay in the dining room, because the staff had begun the cleaning procedure, but he can’t go up to the room, and the laptop is up there with his phone. So all that remained was going out of the hotel and looking for what to do.
He took advantage of the opportunity he had to go on a walk by the coast, something that he refrained from doing since he reach the island, if he would be asked why he refrained from looking at the beautiful view, I don’t think he would have an answer.
While walking and looking at the sea and the small waves breaking ashore, he saw a young boy, around the age of 17 or a bit less, sitting on a turned over bucket, by his side was another bucket, and in his hand a lovely wooden fishing rod, the line stretched, sounds of movement in the water were heard, and there comes a big and formidable fish, the boy carefully unhooks it, and put it in the bucket, and soon after he tilts his body backwards, and throws himself forwards, as if his body was a part of the rod, the bate lands in the water, another minute passes until the sounds reappear, and another fish comes out.
Astonished at the amount of fish accumulated in such a short while, he decides to approach him
What are you doing?
I’m fishing.
Are you selling them?
No, either I eat them or I throw them back in, no point in a lot of fish if I can’t eat them all, I only need a small amount to fill my belly.
Why don’t you take the bucket of fish, go to the market and sell them?
What would that give me?
You can get money for them, and buy a better, more professional fishhook.
What would that give me?
That way you could fish bigger, more valuable fish.
What would that give me?
That way you could get a better value for the same amount of fish.
What would that give me?
That way you could get a bigger bucket, which could contain a bigger amount of fish.
What would that give me?
You could make a lot of money, and that’ll allow you to get a fishing boat.
What would that give me?
You could sail deeper and catch more and bigger fish, and make more money selling them.
What would that give me?
You could buy several boats with crews, and make a lot of money.
What would that give me?
You could export them abroad, and be a millionaire.
What would that give me?
Then you could sit here on the bucket and fish for fun.
But, that’s what I’m doing right now!
Try stopping your reading for a second, closing your eyes, and remembering the most blissful moment in your life, the same moment where you told yourselves – I wish this will never end.
Try to see who you were then?
What were you doing?
Who was with you?
How did you look like?
After feeling that place open your eyes.
Did money appear there?
“A man cannot discover new oceans until
he has the courage to lose sight of the shore”
Noam Mankowitz (pmcc)
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