Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Weighing Online Money Making Programs

Visiting some online forums can give you insights about a lot of products. With forums you could get personal testimonials that can give you an idea of which products to choose. A few days ago, I have been going around different forums to do a research on some online money making programs. While I was weighing the pros and cons of these websites, what struck me is that some forum posters said that these top internet businesses are so called part of a scam. I was quite bothered by this and who would not be if all along you thought that these products are genuine, yet here you would get to read these kinds of statements against them.

The better part of me took over; even if I have read some bad reviews and so called scam suspicions against these products I decided that I have to discern the truth among those posts from the forum. I mean why should we let our decisions be affected by these posts, when in fact we do not really know if they are true, or if these people who posted are just one of those who got disappointed because the product did not work for them the way they think it should. For me we should not pass on quick judgments. Who knows maybe these people are ones who did not follow directions or ones who did not exert much effort for it to work for them. If all of us would get affected by these comments without investigating the truth behind it, then most of us would end up wondering all the what ifs that could have been had we tried the product.

Now there are also groups out there who have been previously scammed or believes that everything is a scam, that still for whatever reasons they have believes that the program will indeed work for them. They unfortunately are in a fairy tale land and just expect money to fall in front of them magically. And how do they expect that to happen? Without doing an effort, where would the reaction be?

For things to be done, we have to make a step in doing something. Getting rich overnight, just works in lotteries. Life is not a lottery, and most online money making programs do not offer an overnight solution. Exerting effort and enthusiasm in your work together with applying the learning you got, is what would bring you to places.

How can anyone make money, if from the start they do not want to take the necessary action needed by what they have learned? Some just read it, yet never use it and they are wondering why it never worked for them. This is a job after all and money does not come easy at any job. You have to work to make it happen. Applying what you have learned to your work is the key to success in this.

The web contains a lot of information, yet does the information you got in proper sequence. What if you are not a newbie and you get all these big words to go through, are you sure that you will not give up easily? This is where a programmed course comes in perfectly. With a program you have a schedule, a step by step account of the things you need to do. It offers all that you need; everything is packaged already for you.

If you want to learn and get the skill needed, what are you waiting for? I have just shared the result of my research. Be sure to start your lessons, and start learning the secrets to making money online.

The main source of information nowadays is Forums. However you need to spend time before you begin to understand what advice is good and what advice is bogus. Training courses were created to decrese the learning curve so reviews of them is really important. The most effective way is to keep your eye open for Free Trials where you only pay for shipping and handling. Some only charge $1.95 for S&H!

Writing Ebooks -11 Points for Writing your Own Money Making Ebooks

Have you been wanting to create your own information products but find it hard getting started? A successful e-book creates powerful income if you do it right. I started selling my first e-book for only $10 but I quickly raised it up to $29.95 because I heard that most people under-price their products.

Today that same first product I created sells successfully at $97. Of course it has evolved into quite a different product since then. I have made a lot of money with all my e-books in the last 4 years. They pay the rent and all my other bills faithfully. Here are 11 points to help you get started making some decent money online creating your own e-books:

1.) Write About Something You Know About - Do you have a special hobby or a business that others would like to know about? If not, maybe a relative or a neighbor does. Study what other people are writing about online.

2.) e-Books That Show People How To Make Money Are Popular. Before you create your product, make sure there is a market for it. I got lucky on my first book. I didn’t look for a market. I just went on faith from the advice of another publisher. My first e-book has done well because it shows people how to make money.

3.) Tips Books Are The Easiest Products To Create - an example would be “50 training tips for dog lovers, “99 profitable businesses to start for less than $500″, “21 days to a new you” etc. (I better shut up. I like that last title.)

4.) Write Your Sales Letter First - this helps shape your product to be what you want it to be and what you want it to accomplish. It is like building a blueprint first before building the go-cart. List all the benefits and features your e-book should have to deliver.

5.) Get An e-Book Compiler Like Adobe PDF, - as soon as I got my software I got excited about the money I could make with it.

6.) Use Digital Pictures To Enhance The Value - if you have a how-to type of book about a trade or a hobby, using your digital camera can greatly enhance your e-books’ perceived value and the price. Plus it helps illustrate what your are teaching with the sharp color photos a digital camera can deliver.

7.) Give Your e-Book the Right Title - Just as a killer headline can increase your sales letters PULL, the right title for your book is just as important also for sales. Make that a Red-Hot title!

8.) Don’t Over-Sell Your Book - don’t over-promise or over-hype things in your sales letter just to sell your e-book or you may get too many people asking for refunds. It is better to over-deliver instead. Making it way better than they thought it would be will make them amazed.

9.) Find Related Follow Up Products For Your e-Book - find profitable “related” products or services that you can add to your book for more profits. Your readers will love the added information and you will love the extra sales.

10.) Enhance Your Product - offer an audio or video to the deal. Just as digital pictures add value to an ebook, so does adding an audio version of it or one or more videos to the package.

11.) Lace Your Products - in time you should have several e-books you are selling online. By adding information about all your other books in the back of each one of them gives you free advertising and extra orders.

So there you go. If you want to start creating your own e-books and marketing them online, it isn’t that hard at all. Remember, tip books are the easiest way to start writing and creating your info-products. You can always format it without the tips once it is structured.

3 Proven Ways To Money Make Online

The Internet is a vast storehouse of information for the entrepreneur who wants to money make online. If you’re one of those people who want to get on board the train to marketing heaven, you will find all you need to know on the internet.

With the advent of the Internet and the effects of this economic downturn, there is a current boom in the work-from-home industry.

For many years there have been individuals that have had the vision and determination to work from their own home and be successful at it. The Internet has literally exploded the opportunity to be successful at a home business. If you are uneducated in any area of business or start-up processes, then you can do online research to find answers to any of your questions.

Once you have decided what product or service you want to market from your home, you will need a marketing plan. But what if you don’t know the first thing about marketing plans or strategies?

At first sight, marketing a product that can money make online can be as short-ordered as using E-bay. Although E-bay is merely one marketing tool, it is not a marketing strategy or marketing plan. And in many ways you are very limited in your use of E-bay.

The other short-ordered idea is to market a product already part of a corporate market, such as Amyway, Shaklee, or Pampered Chef. These companies recruit you to sell their products with a tried and true marketing plan, although their plan suggests that you sell products mainly to your friends and family and then recruit their friends and family. They have already worked out the kinks in how to recruit and build your client base.

Even though you must sell their products their way, it still counts as a valid work-from- home business although the success rate with this method is especially low at only around 5%.

Let’s say you don’t want to go the E-bay or the Amyway route. Let’s say you have discovered that you would really like to take advantage of the internet method to market online because you are sure that is an easier way to money make online.

The first thing you will want to do is get your own website up and running. Of course you will now run into a couple of problems: What are you going to market with your website? How are you going to market your website?

Your website content must have a magical quality to cause the potential customer to first read all of the content, and then buy your product. The initial set up of a website is simple, just pick a company and follow the instructions. The tricky part, however, is getting people to find your site - website traffic, read it’s contents, and ultimately buy your product.

Online Money Making in a Snap!

Online Money Making in a Snap!

Affiliate programs are fun and lucrative in the online money making industry…but best of all it’s much easier than creating your own product from scratch. The trick is learning how to generate traffic, funneling the merchant and recruiting an accountant that can handle the tax returns and bookkeeping. Much like building an offline business, only doing the whole process online.

There are some skills needed that may seem to be a lot of work in the beginning but you can still be an affiliate customer. You can get paid by mortgage companies, credit card companies and other business ventures just by letting them advertise on your site. All you need to do is invest in a domain. Your goal is to drive traffic to your website this is done by quite a few different techniques but there’s nothing like finding a niche that already has a lot of customers and very little competition.

Affiliate marketing by itself is great, but it’s much better to incorporate it into a website that does more than affiliate programs alone. If you have a high quality product or service of your own its better to find a collection of similar products and services and join them to your product as an affiliate. Up sell, down sell or cross sell these affiliate products with your own product. For example, if you make a your own accounting services through your online business, wouldn’t it be wise to also have a list of attorneys, business coaches, accounting software and other products that support new business in your package?

It’s easy to sign up as an affiliate, all you need to do is find a product or service that you think you could promote. Start by searching the internet for keywords that best describe that product or service. Once you find a product you like, scroll down to the bottom of the home page and look for a link titled ‘affiliates’ or ‘partners’. Click on and read what they offer you for promoting and seller that product.

If you think its worth your time and effort - and you think you can actually sell quite a few on their behalf - sign up and they will give you all the details on how to promote and how you will be paid. The next step is to get into action!

A lot of companies these days run affiliate programs, if you operate your own online business; you seriously need to consider setting up an affiliate program for yourself. Imagine if you had 100 people working for you and they only got paid if they made a sale. That would be much easier. But, as an affiliate program manager you have a responsibility to your affiliates by ensuring that your website is converting traffic into customers and that you provide all the resources on ‘how’ to promote your program. One of the best ways to set up and affiliate program is using a system such as Clickbank if you are selling information products or 2checkout for all other products or services. These services act as a middle person and manage the whole process for you. When a sale is made these companies will write a check for both you and the affiliate so no one is upset or missing payment.

An affiliate program is an excellent online money making strategy to start earning an additional income from your current website or to hire a team of sales people for your product or service. Just make sure you respect the product you’re promoting and the affiliates you hire. If you look after them they will look after you.

Online Money Tree provides tips and resources on how to make money online. New and aspiring internet entrepreneurs can find some great ideas and advice on how to start a small internet business from home.

For more information visit

Money Making Wave- are You Ready to Ride It? Don’t Get Bucked Off!

Surf with the Tide to Catch Better Waves

Once new traders reach a certain level of proficiency in market analysis and trade execution the majority of their trading mistakes generally fall into two categories: trading psychology and trend-relativity errors. The first is an issue of self-control. The latter refers to an equally common problem: often a trade will look beautiful on one chart (in one time frame), but ill-advised at best on another chart (another time frame).

A market that looks like it is beginning an uptrend in the daily time frame, for example, may be only pulling back into resistance on the weekly chart, where the momentum and trend are down. The problem is magnified even further with intraday charts, where trends in multiple time frames often conflict with each other.

To combat this problem, trader and trading coach Alexander Elder invented the Triple Screen System, which he outlined in his now-classic book Trading for a Living. (Buy it. Read it. Study it.) The idea of the Triple Screen Trading System is based on the concept that the market moves in waves of energy, and every larger wave consists of smaller ones, which themselves consist of even smaller waves. To trade successfully a trader should choose to enter the market the moment when the waves are all moving in the same direction. This is when all of the market energy is aligned, and your chances of success are much greater.

If you are trading the daily chart, for example, you don’t want to consider only the daily chart, because you would only be getting a limited picture of what is going on with that market. You need to study the weekly chart also. And you need to study the hourly chart when the daily chart indicates it might be time to enter or exit the trade, or you risk a greater chance of being stopped out with a loss.

The triple screen trading system requires that the chart for the long-term trend be examined first. This ensures that the trade follows the tide of the long-term trend while allowing for entrance into trades at times when the market moves briefly against the trend. The best buying opportunities occur when a rising market makes a brief decline; the best shorting opportunities are found when a falling market rallies. When the monthly trend is upward, weekly declines represent buying opportunities. Hourly rallies provide opportunities to short when the daily trend is downward.

First Screen – Market Tide

The first screen is the highest time frame you will use. Most stock swing traders use the daily chart to find trades. In their case, the weekly chart would serve as the first screen. The first screen sets the overall market direction, or trend. The market tide, if you will. Always swim with the tide. Experienced surfers will tell you you’ll catch better waves when surfing with the tide.

Second Screen – Market Wave

For most traders the daily chart would serve as the second screen. The idea is generally to catch a ride on any wave in this time frame when it moves in the direction of the tide, or weekly trend. Your chances of catching a nice, long and smooth ride under these conditions are much more favorable than if you are swimming against the greater tide.

Third Screen – Market Ripples

This time frame identifies the short-term frame and is used primarily for executing entries and exits. This allows you to enter with more precision, enabling you to use tighter stops, while increasing the chance that the trade will move immediately in your favor.

Markets cycle through the same technical patterns in virtually every time frame, whether a monthly chart or a 1-minute chart. You can use these patterns or indicators on the third screen to execute trades that look good on the second screen (and are aligned, of course, with the trend on the first screen).

Elder recommends using time frames that are roughly 5 times higher than the time frames below it. The hourly time frame generally works for the daily chart, and the daily chart for the weekly. For intraday charts, for example, one might use the one-minute, five-minute and 30-minute charts. For charts of FX pairs which trade 24-hours a day, four-hour charts are commonly used to execute trades made from the daily chart.

Let’s look at an example using the GBP/JPY pair. This pair began a strong weekly downtrend in August and then pulled back into its 21-ema on the daily chart in October. At this point, having noted the weekly downtrend, we would be looking to short any rallies on the daily chart, that is any moves against the prevailing tide. When the daily chart reaches the area where we think resistance would be found, we turn to the 4-hour chart to look for a reversal in that time frame and to enter our short position.

CFD FX Report is a real time tool for clients with an interest in the trading of stocks, indices and commodities globally.CFDs (Contracts For Differences) are one of the worlds’ fastest growing trading instruments that allows clients to profit from a rising and falling market. The CFD FX Report is a company comprising of expert traders that analyse the market daily and are able to make recommendations for the following day trades based on this analysis. The CFD FX Report is released everyday at 6.30 p.m. (Singapore time) for review by the clients for the next trading day.

We provide sms and email service for our trade ideas as well as full member support. The trading tool that traders needs. Free 1 week trial

Join the Fastest Growing Money Making Concept on the Web.

When eBay first started nobody thought it would become the internet powerhouse that it has become today. What started out as something most people were wary of is now so popular that there are even brick and mortar stores devoted to listing your products for you. That’s right. Entire businesses have been built around eBay. Chances are you were thinking about starting one or you wouldn’t be looking into auction software. After all, the best way to make sure that every item you list gets bought is to have an auction page that stands out. There are entire stores located on eBay and other auction sites (like Yahoo and Amazon) now. If you were thinking of making an eBay page or starting your own eBay store, auction software is the best way to go. Of course, there are a lot of different auction listing programs to choose from, so how do you decide which kind is the best for you? By reading auction software reviews of course!

If you are looking for places to find auction software reviews, one of the first places you should check are the actual sites that you are thinking about listing on. The auction websites themselves will often have programs listed. These programs are given official endorsements for a number of reasons. Sometimes the auction site and the software company have come to a business agreement to promote each other and sometimes it is because the powers that be at a particular auction site have found that certain software works better than others. Each site should have auction software reviews listed with the different types software.

Another place to look is Google. A simple search on Google for “auction software reviews” will return a bunch of different review websites with auction software categories. From the Google search results page, you can pick and choose the auction software reviews websites that look like the most reliable.

When reading auction software reviews, you should not pay much attention to the auction software reviews written on the software’s website. Reviews listed on a corporate website for that corporation’s product are not nearly as reliable as reviews that are listed on independent website. What happens on a corporate website is that, in the event that the reviews listed are from actual people and not marketing propaganda, only the positive reviews get listed.

Forums are another place to look for auction software reviews. Forums will have the entire spectrum of opinions when it comes to software and you will be able to read several individual opinions without having to navigate halfway across the internet and back.

Selling things via online auction is incredibly popular right now. It is amazing the items that people will willingly spend money on. Online auctions are so popular that some people even manage to make a living by selling. Auction software reviews are the best way to make sure that you get the right software for what you need.

How to Make Money From Blogging

Many novice bloggers are unaware that you can make some major money from blogging. There are some people that make up to $1,000 a month by simply blogging. It is actually possible to make money from blogging in your spare time. There are even professional bloggers that make an entire living from blogging everyday. Nothing beats blogging from the comfort of your home and getting paid to do it. It is one of the most sought after at-home jobs that many people overlook.

Majority of bloggers blog everyday just for fun and do not get paid for it. There is a good amount of money to be made by blogging. You too can make money by blogging. There are five popular sites that are known to pay bloggers to blog. These sites can help make a blogger a nice extra income if they diligently pursue their blogging on a regular basis and according to each of the individual sites’s guidelines and policies. The most popular of the five sites is

They give bloggers many open opportunities to blog about various products and advertisements on their personal blog. The other four popular money making blog sites for bloggers is,,, and Joining any of these widely known sites will help you to make money from blogging.visit to

There are many different ways to make money from blogging and benefit from a successful blog. The first important tip to follow if you really want to make money from your blog is to make sure you have the proper title.

Having the wrong title or improper title that conflicts with your blogs content can damage your ability to make money from your blog. Be sure to use a title that is catchy but properly coins the point of the blog. If your blog is about dogs it should mention that in the title or directly refer to it in some way. Your title should always be clear and concise. This is vital if you wish to make money with your blog. The second tip to make money with your blog is to double check your information. You can not have any errors in your blog if you wish to make money. Your blog should have accurate information for your readers. It also makes your blog more difficult to find and search through if there is too many incorrect spellings. The third tip to make money with your blog is blog often.

You must be persistant with your blogging if you want to make some serious money doing it. You should blog at least once a day or more. You need to build up a fan base of people that enjoy reading your daily posts. It is the secret to a money making blog. The fourth tip to make money from blogging is to keep what your are writing about rich in content but to the point. You do not want to babble on and on losing your readers interest. Quality content is the key to making money from blogging. You have to draw readers to your blog daily to generate money.

Mystery Shopping Companies

Mystery shopping companies are plentiful in America, in fact there are close to 500 hundred companies that offer employment for mystery shoppers but not every company is equal. Some companies are good and some are just plain greedy. Shopping companies generally act as middle men between major companies and secret shoppers and they take a reasonable cut of the profit and usually leave between 10(minimum) to 15 dollars for secret shoppers to have for typical jobs. But some companies try to take more then they should and try to pay shoppers 6 or 7 dollars for jobs that should pay 12. And on there websites they claim that there the only legitimate companies on the internet. But that’s far from true.

You should never get paid less then 10 dollars for any assignment that you do as a mystery shopper. In fact I would only take a job for less then ten if it was right across the street from another job and required me to do no more then walk inside of a store and a make a quick observation. Which brings us to another matter..

If you really want to get paid as a mystery shopper, you should schedule two to three jobs in the same area. If you do that you can save time and complete jobs quicker. You can also triple your income. In a hour and a half you can put 30 dollars in your pocket. And this would also save you gas. Instead of doing just one job a day and driving home. If you schedule everything together you can save on gas by not having to drive home and back.

Most mystery shopping companies will generally have a list of assignments that are in the same area. But if they don’t then you can just combine a bunch of jobs from different companies. That’s why it’s good to sign up for a lot of companies. The more companies you sign up for the more option s you have.

To learn more and get a list of legitimate companies visit

esale Rights-money Making Machine

Do you believe that you can make money-selling product, when you do not have the initial capital to buy the products that you intend on selling? How can someone possibly get product for free to sell on the web and make money? The answer does not require a PHD to figure out; going wholesale is the way to do this. When wholesale comes to mind the first thing mentioned is resale rights go to

The basic idea behind the resale right is for you to find out exactly what it is you plan on selling first and foremost, this will be your plan of action. Then you will need to have a place for you to sell the said items, this can be done on Internet auctions such as ebay. There is the possibility for you to have your stuff stored at the very place that you have purchased from.You may also run the business out of your home without the said auction sites. You will not be a sole business person in this endeavor however, as you are going to need the product to sell. This is where the wholesaler comes into play. When you can prove the business id and the proof of the eBay account you can easily get an account from the wholesaler to receive goods from them to sell online.

How this works is quite simple, you place the product on the market and set up the sale. This then will be sent to the wholesaler for approval, once you get the approval of the sale it shall commence. The likelihood of you having the space to keep a large amount of the product in your home, of course depending on what you are selling. There is the possibility for you to have your stuff stored at the very place that you have purchased from. This no doubt ably will come at a cost; it will be minimal however as the product is already there in the first place. This will be on more of a percentage basis than a fee or charge. If you think about it you are buying from a wholesaler anyhow, spending a little on storage by way of a percentage is a small price to pay. It would cost you far more to rent out space to store the goods that you are selling. For more help visit

So when you sell the product to a client, you will in turn pay for the goods sold, pay the percentage for the storage and what ever is left belongs to you. This is an excellent way for you to develop a great relationship with the wholesaler, and get a business off the ground and successful. So as you can see, getting on the resale right bandwagon is clearly the way to go when starting a new Internet sales business.

Money-Making E-Book Income: 6 Huge E-Book Revenue Generating Ideas

If you are like many men and women in the world today, you may have at least some interest in learning how to create a worthwhile e-book income for yourself. Every day more and more people are becoming successful at earning a substantial e-book income. In the course of this article you will be provided with a few of the most useful e-book income generating ideas you can get.

1. One profitable e-book income generating idea that can be helpful to you is to begin by developing a highly targeted marketing campaign. By identifying and targeting the specific niche markets that will be the most interested in what you have to write about, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a profitable e-book income and even the e-book income success.

2. Another highly profitable e-book revenue generating initiative is to merge your e-book with other products or services that you offer or promote. These types of cross promotion efforts have been demonstrated to be incredibly successful when it comes to generating incomes through e-book sales..

3. Take the time to setup an e-book specific website. Constructing and promoting a single web site that is devoted to just one e-book topic can prove to be a very useful marketing tool.

4. Do not forget about blogging your e-book as a potentially profitable income generation idea. Almost everyone has a blog in this day and age, and many writers are making significant enhancements to the marketability of stuff that they’ve written about, including e-books, through their blogging efforts.

5. A big step that you can also use to increase your e-book profits is through forums. There are many forums where you can add your signature bylines to your messages. This increases traffic, and visibility of your product. Some forums will also allow for active promotion or discussions around your e-book topic. You want to become actively involved in one forum or another that address the issues that you discuss in your e-book.

6. Once you have actually written an e-Book, try to get yourself interviewed on one of the many Internet based talk shows that are actively online these days. There is always a rising number of these online shows that are even hosted by various online radio stations. By learning how to make use of these programs, you can easily promote your own e-book and greatly improve your possibility of enjoying a highly profitable e-book income, not only today but into the future as well.

Discover the Methods of Online Money Making

it seems like everybody has their hand in the cookie jar of making money online. With so many people making a profit online, it seems as if there must be a way for you to make money as well. With this in mind, you may feel like you are the only one who does not know the secret to making money online. The simple truth is that the key to making money online is to mine your own skills and knowledge. It also involves using discretion to sort out the real ways to make money online and the scams.

One great way to make money online, that is directly relative to the time and effort you are willing to put forth to make money online, is selling ad space. The key to making money off selling your ad space is developing a site that enjoys a large number of traffic. The more people who visit your website are the more people who will view the ads you sell. Thus, if you want to make a tempting website, you should look into what people most commonly search and then use SEO tactics to draw people to your website. Of course the more hits you get, the higher you will get paid for ads, and the more money will grow in your bank account.

Freelancing is also another great way to make money online. Simply go to a freelance website and sign up to make bids on projects. There are many websites such as elance and Getafreelancer that offer you the opportunity to bid on projects. Many of the freelance projects that people do involve writing, web programming, coding, and SEO work. The more projects you take on, the more money you will make in a week. There are often thousands of projects available that need workers and some people find that you can make a full time living by freelancing.

Paid surveys are also another way to start making money online. Simply find a survey site and register and start earning money. You need to make sure you pick excellent consumer research websites however, often by companies you have heard of because if you do not than you will likely get ripped off and hardly paid for your opinion. You also need to keep in mind that you should never have to pay to take surveys, so if the site has a membership fee chances are good that you are going to get scammed in the end, and it is not worth your time.

The most important thing to remember about making money online is that the Internet is no different than any other work place environment. The people who make money online have a strong work ethic and are willing to spend large amounts of time working on their projects. There is no quick way to make money online unless you are highly lucky, but with hard work and dedication you can carve out a reasonable living for yourself online.

MAking money with a blog

a video by Divyansh Sharma …

Video Cash Explosion Review ~ Your Money-Making Video Niche Site Is Ready!

Is Video Cash Explosion worth getting? Or is it just another hyped up scam? The author of this product is Shannon Lueck, a stay-at-home mom with two young boys who have finally managed to figure out how to make Internet marketing work for her. She is well-known in creating successful “one-page money-making” video niche sites, that’s her specialty. I know her from a forum and she appears to be an honest individual who is also like to help others to succeed.

I have bought and gone through Video Cash Explosion, and I would like to do an in-depth review of this product in this article. I will tell you exactly what’s in it for you when you purchase this product, why do you need it, how can it benefit and help you earn money online.

Here are some facts about online marketing you need to know….

It’s no secret that videos are one of the top weapons for many successful online marketers these days. Videos are a lot more effective for delivering messages to your web visitors as people prefer to watch videos rather than read text documents or written words.

But, if you’re new in Internet marketing, perhaps you’re confused and may NOT know how to create videos let alone use them on your website. It may sound intimidating if you have to create videos and publish on your site.

If that’s how you feel right now, fret no more! Video Cash Explosion was specially created to take you by the hand and teach you how to create video sales sites that may have the potential to bring in residual income for you. If you do this right, it may take your online marketing success into the next level.

Here’s a SNEAK PEEK of what will you get from Video Cash Explosion….

- It gives you the FORMULA to find the best selling products to promote

- It gives you a powerful KEYWORD TOOL that will help you pick profitable keyword phrases

- It teaches you step-by-step how to easily create a video

- It gives you a piece of software called “Push Button Video Cash” that will help you create and upload a website without needing to have any technical skill.

- It teaches you how to PROMOTE your website to achieve top placement within all the major search engines.

How does Video Cash Explosion help you make money? Does it really work? How much can you earn?

Let me tell you up front that there will be a small investment you need to make in order to use this system effectively. The investment mainly consists of hosting service ($10 per month) and buying domain name ($9 per year for a .com or $1.99 per year for .info). Of course, there are free hosting services but I don’t recommend you use them. If you’re serious about building a successful online business, it’s more professional to have your own domain name and hosting service.

Video Cash Explosion provides the tools you need to succeed but remember that the key to your success is YOU! The on-going effort on your part to create as many mini video niche sites (using the given tools and the steps outlined in the guide) is the one that will lead to generating some residual income for you.

No one can promise or guarantee the amount of money that you will make using the Video Cash Explosion system. It can be the best tool on earth but if you don’t play your part, you will NOT see any positive result. So, allow me to repeat this line again… “The secret to your success is YOU”.

My personal experience using this product has mixed results. Some of my video niche sites perform really well, others don’t. I realize that building mini video niche sites is a number game. The more sites you build, the higher your chance of success will be. Fortunately, Video Cash Explosion allows me to create these sites painlessly and quickly.


Video Cash Explosion is a quality product for creating one-page video niche sites that can be used to promote affiliate products or your own products. It walks you through everything from finding products to promote, selecting the right keywords, creating videos, uploading a website and promoting that website.

It’s a very decent product for those who prefer to create mini sites with videos rather than writing one articles after another like building a normal website or blog.

Video Cash Explosion Bonus Worth Almost $1,500 Click here to get your Video Cash Explosion and receive all our exclusive bonuses (worth almost $1,500) for FREE! Go to Video Cash Explosion Bonus Page to take a look at all the bonuses you will get.

Money-making Marketing Software!

Get Rich Quick Scams Revealed

Read this article before you consider paying for a “get rich quick” program.

From: Market Soft

Everybody would love to make lots of money quickly, working from home, and only doing a few hours of work per week. I’ve spent the past two years trying to find a great way of doing this. Only over the course of the past few months have I found any “get rich quick” programs worth buying. I’ve been trying to make money online for a long time. I had a few small websites, but they never made much more than a few hundred per month. It was easy money and didn’t require much work on my part, but I knew there were people out there doing better than I was and I knew I could do as well as them.

Now, I’ve seen a lot of “get rich quick” programs. Most of these people make claims about earning $2000/day with Google or something similarly insane. Almost all of these people are complete liars. Even if they were making $2000/day with Google AdSense, it’d be because they had high- traffic websites with a lot of quality content. I’d know, because in one whole month, I never even made half of what they promised I’d make daily with their programs. Maybe you’ve already been scammed by one of these fraudsters. Anyway, I finally got sick of what was being offered.

I decided I’d look through the all of the “get rich quick” programs I could find and see if there were any that were actually legitimate. I found that there were owners selling their programs for well over $100, but the information in them could be found almost anywhere online for free. Additionally, they all contained out-of-date information, had no e-mail support, no money back guarantees, and broken links in the downloads section.

In conclusion, almost all of the programs I found were completely useless. The owners knew it, but they couldn’t care less about their customers since they didn’t offer refund policies! Amazingly, while looking through all of the programs, I actually did find a few legitimate programs. They were run by ordinary people like you and me, and they had found some great methods of making money from their home by doing very little work.

I spent some time working with those programs, and my income is now ten times what it used to be. These programs provided a large amount of great information on how to make extra money on your computer doing very little work. Numerous customers had provided great feedback and reviews for their products. Many of them have started to make money just days after buying!

Their programs have excellent prices, and the authors have a group of paid staff who are dedicating to helping you or providing assistance if you need any. I must say I was amazed! If you do decide to purchase any of the programs listed below, I recommend you join quickly. Most of the owners tell me they are getting an overwhelming number of sales and plan on raising prices in the near future, so order while prices are still low!

To Your Online Success,

Market Soft

A Review of an Online Money-making Opportunity-the Profit Lance

The Profit Lance

The Profit Lance is not a weapon used by a knight in some kind of medieval movie, It’s actually the latest creation by Michael Andrews. The Profit Lance System and Automated Wealth Course has a member’s area designed to get you the knowledge and understand of how to become profitable online. When you login to the members area you immediately have access to manuals and articles as well as instructional videos. You get you own websites that already come with their own hosting.

The only thing that I try to tell a lot my subscribers is that, when you get these ready made, money making websites, it’s important to put original content on your site. Search Engine spiders tend to avoid listing sites with duplicate content. Make sure you try to make your articles on your site as unique as possible so that you can get ranked in the search engines so you can start making money.

Remember that there are a lot of systems that promise you wealth but you should understand that you will have to put forth some effort. The Profit Lance gives you a concrete foundation to launch your business from. Don’t accept any pie-in-the-sky system that tells you, “All you need to do is just set it up, go eat breakfast and when you come back millions of dollars will be in your account!”. If you apply Michael’s techniques combined with focus and diligence you can achieve success.

The Profit Lance provides it’s users with software, money making websites for you to promote, private members blog where you can get your questions answered, an online task manager to help you stop procrastinating and stay focused on Michael’s Google success formula. The amount of information that Michael Andrews puts into his course is remarkable. What is also remarkable is the way that it’s structured. Michael covers things in a step by step manner that is easy to understand. The problem I’m finding is that a lot of people that want to make money online read, listen to, and watch all the information but they don’t know how to apply it. With good courses like Profit Lance all that one needs to do is actually follow the steps in their own way. I strongly recommend seeing if The profit Lance automated wealth system is right for you.

Now, if you do decide to buy The Profit Lance through this site, make sure you visit the full review using the link below to get a free video that I specially created to talk about the Profit Lance and order the product from that page.

Get the Lowdown on Mystery Shopping Jobs

Mystery shopping jobs are legitimate jobs that you can do as part of a home based business. If you learn to do it properly, it can be very lucrative because you will earn good money working in this way. At the same time, you have flexible hours that allow you to meet your other commitments of home and family. The best way to find such jobs is to subscribe to job boards, You will see lists of companies looking for mystery shoppers and at the same time, if others have had problems with some companies because they didn’t get paid, they will often post a note on the board to that effect.

Most of the companies that hire mystery shoppers are legitimate. However, one thing you have to be careful when you get started with this type of work and that is if a company asks you to pay a fee to be able to become a mystery shopper, you should avoid them. You don’t pay to go to work at this job - companies pay you to work for them. At the same time, there are companies that ask you to subscribe to their list of shoppers that they can call on, but you shouldn’t have to pay for this.

One of the main advantages of working in mystery shopping is the flexibility that it gives you. You can work and make money when you decide to and you don’t have to adhere to any schedule. This means you can be home when the children get home from school and be home in time to prepare lunch and dinner. Other perks involved in this type of job is that you earn regular money and get many things free that you would otherwise have to buy yourself. For example, you may get a chance to eat at a fancy restaurant for free just to see what the food and service is like and get paid for doing so.

Anyone can do mystery shopping. Stay-at-home Moms and Dads, seniors, retirees, college students - anyone looking for another source of income can be found working at this job. The thing is that you would never recognize them when you are out shopping or dining in a restaurant, mystery shoppers are just like all the other customers.

You don’t need to have any type of experience, such as a university degree or a trade to earn money in this type of work. However, you will have to write reports for the companies that hire you and much of the correspondence is through email, so you need to be proficient at using the computer. You will need to know how to send attachments and how to work with spreadsheets. When you are shopping you should be able to carry on a conversation with the store employees and be very courteous. Some of the personal qualifications that you need to do well in this job are to be observant, reliable and have a good imagination. If you have a background in education, finance, real estate or business, you will likely be hired for the job and do it well.

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Make Money Blogging by Focusing on These 4 Areas

If your attempts to make money blogging continue to elude you, rest assured that you are not alone. As simple as the concept of blogging may be, many fail to realize their goals. It should be noted that although these goals vary from one blogger to the next, the obstacles often times responsible for their lack of success are the same!

These obstacles develop within 4 areas:

Blog Set-Up

Your blogging platform should reflect a feel for who you are and on what subject you are blogging about. The layout or format will go a long way towards accomplishing this so spend some time and thought in this area and have fun with it. And while we’re on the subject of the layout, be sure yours is not too cluttered and can be navigated easily by any visitors. Encourage your readers to leave comments and make it easy for them to do so.

The site should also be optimized properly for the search engines thereby enabling the people interested in your subject to easily find your blog. Most blogs come available with widgets or plug-in’s that easily allow you to accomplish this task. Don’t overlook this part of the setup.

Generate Targeted Traffic

Put the effort into seeking out targeted traffic to your blog. Let people know you exist and what you’re all about. Visiting forums, social network sites, and perhaps writing articles are great ways to increase your exposure and also pick up new ideas for both your blog design and also what to blog about within your particular niche.

Continued Research and Education

Continually find new sources of information for your own education and for content. Failure to do so will eventually kill both your dream and your blog. You’ve hopefully chosen a subject in which you have an interest if not a full blown passion. It is this interest or passion that will keep you motivated to regularly seek out the fresh news and information that will sustain the life of your blog.

Post Regularly

This is an area that most have the most difficulty with. No matter what the goals are you have, you will not reach them if you do not keep fresh content on your blog. Search engines love blogs for this very reason. Actually they show a bit of favoritism towards blogs in the search rankings due to the continual cycle of fresh content to be found on them. For this very same reason readers will keep returning to see what ‘new’ on your site.

It’s important to point out here that you should not make a habit of posting something just for the sake of having a new post. If you can’t make your post interesting, innovative, revealing, informative, or at least entertaining then it’s time to go back to doing some research.

Your research will give your posts some quality while your posts will give your blog the same.

No matter if you want to make money blogging or perhaps just gain exposure for one of your passions, attention and effort must be continually given in these 4 areas in order to reach your desired goals.

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Money Making Blog: 5 Tips for Your Money Making Blog

1. Pick out the correct Niche: you’ll require picking out a niche that is moderately limited, only not so lowly, that you’ll have a difficult time yielding involvement. You as well would like to pick out a niche that bears a crucial affiliate plan, or adds itself to another type of monetization.

2. Be accessible: one and only because blogging has become so fashionable is since it permits other people to give remarks and utter their mind. Make sure to reply to a couple of remarks every so often and produce actual talks and fundamental interaction.

3. Be related: make a point that your blog posts are to the point. Cater info, visualizes, or pictures that your reviewers are in reality occupied in. Do your preparation. Whenever you give your reviewers data that they need, they’ll make sure to come back.

4. Optimize: You should always optimize your blog, even as you would any site you needed to get peaky search engine rankings for. This means letting in your aimed keywords in the title, Meta tags, and description and H1 tags. Directing your keyword and associated ones throughout the textual matter is significant also. Make sure that your blog posts and title as well let in several keywords. If you are employing a Wordpress blog, make sure to use connects that will assist you rank advantageously.

5. Reach Out: traveling to and interacting with additional blog proprietors and online sellers is a phenomenal and costless manner to bring forth interest group in your blog. Try allowing remarks at crucial blogs. Do not spam, allow a well considered out remark, that allows something valuable and get out your link. Aiming the title of respect of your blog and a hyperlink to it in your key signature link is an additional method to add attention to your blog, because you interact in internet message boards.

Essential Tips For Secret Shopping

Various people have taken up secret shopping as a part time job, but merely some have been victorious in it. There is a general notion that secret shopping is a fun and a fast means to become rich. This is far from the truth. Like any other professional, mystery shoppers too have to put a lot of hard work to become successful. If you want to become a successful secret shopper, then you should have (or develop) the following traits.

Good Observation

You should have good surveillance skill in order to become a successful mystery shopper. A mystery shopper is on an undisclosed job to check the services and products of their consumers. You may also have to report the conduct and behavior of the employees. A good viewer would be able to give details that may be very useful for the clients in improving their business.

Ever Ready

You should be the one, on whom the company can trust. You should be capable to take up assignment on short notice. You should aim to take up as many assignments as you can. This would aid you to get the confidence of your company and he/she will give you good assignments often. Companies wish secret shoppers who are regular and complete their assignments within targets.

Honesty And Discipline

It is extremely necessary to be regimented particularly, when you are working from house. It is necessary that you take your job seriously and propose your information on time. Rescheduling the assignments regularly and submitting fake reports can mar your profession.

Attention To Details

Previous to you jump-start any task; it is necessary to give notice to the strategies and therefore you should read the commands vigilantly before starting the project. This would also clear the requisites of the payment for the task. Attention to facts is also required while you are on the field doing your work.

Writing Skills

You should’ve good writing skills so that you can communicate the right facts to your clients. There are various online resources that can aid you to enhance your writing skills. Writing error-free English is one of the most vital skills to succeed in this career.


You should’ve fine memory so that you can remember all the observations you made. This will assist you write the details well and fill the opinion poll.


While you are on a secret shopping task, you shouldn’t disclose your identity as a secret shopper to someone. You should look and perform just like any other client. Disclosing your individuality would obstruct the purpose of your visit and therefore would affect the results.


You should have endurance. It is not required that all the assignments would be of your choice. There is also lot of roving occupied in this job, for which you must be prepared.

Briefly, you’ve to do a lot of hard work and develop skills to make a mark as a mystery shopper.

Travel Writing: How to Make Money Blogging About Your Travels

Have you ever wanted to travel the world and make money for sharing your adventures with the world? Using the web and a simple blog, this couldn’t be easier. There are just a few simple, yet hidden techniques for making a healthy income for blogging about your travels.

In fact, the number of underground travelers who hold no jobs, yet make cash for writing about their travels is growing by the day. We keep our mouths shut about our techniques as we visit worldwide destinations and get paid for telling the world about it. I know there have got to be great people out there who deserve to travel and want this information, so I’ve decided to share a few of our techniques:

1) Own Your Blog. Sites like Blogger, Myspace, and BlogSpot are no good for our purposes, because you can’t tweak the site to make a profit very easily. Instead, if you buy a domain for 10 bucks and then install Wordpress, you now have the platform to make it extremely profitable.

2) Utilize PPC (pay-per-click) to get started. You won’t make a massive income off of this right away, but you can easily make 5-10 bucks a day in the beginning. That may not sound like a lot… but it’s enough for a meal every day or a flight after a month, and the number only gets bigger as your blog grows in readership.

3) Collect names and email addresses.
You want to do this so that you can bring your readers back to your blog. Very few people ‘bookmark’ a site any longer, but if you email your readers every time you post a new article, you will grow your readership at an exponential rate.

4) Offer an RSS (Real Simple Syndication) subscriptions. Don’t let this intimidate you. Setting this up is as simple as checking a box on your blog’s options. RSS is another way for your readers to keep up-to-date with your blog. Insead of you emailing them, their RSS reader of choice will automatically show them the newly posted content. The more they see your content, the better chance they’ll click on an ad (and therefore, the better chance you’ll get paid)

5) Sell a product that will interest your readers. Once you are up and running, you will see your readership growing as well. Now it’s time to really monetize your site. This is where affiliate marketing comes in. This is simply taking a commission for any customer you send to another product (considering they buy the product). So, every now and again, make a blog post about the affiliate product you are promoting. When your readers see this, those who are interested will click on your ‘affiliate link,’ and if they buy, you get paid. Easy as that. Becoming an affiliate is always free, and there are thousands of products begging for active affiliates.

By the way, affiliate commissions are typically 50% to 75%. Gigantic, and very profitable.

6) Create your own product.
The only problem with affiliate marketing is that the product is completely out of your control and you only take a part of the cut. Once you have a bunch of blog posts, you can bundle them together and make an ‘ebook.’ Sell this to your loyal readers, and you’ll be surprised at how many of them will pay for the content they’re getting for free anyway!

There are bloggers out there who are making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for writing about their passions. My instincts tell me you’d be happy with a few hundred or thousand dollars extra per week, so start taking action on these ideas. They’re not complicated, they just require action. The best part is, once they’re set up, they can all be automated and can take place without your presence!

**Attention Readers**

To get your copy of our free step-by-step guide showing you how to make money as you travel without ever holding a ‘job,’ visit The expert authors at have all made a substantial internet income while traveling or they have been hired and paid well to travel the world and will show you how to do the same.

**Attn Ezine editors/Site owners**

Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your site as long as you leave all links in place. You may not modify the content and must include our resource box as listed above. However, you may sign up as an affiliate at and insert your affiliate links to earn income for your efforts.

Effective Money Making Online: Finding the Right Affiliate Marketing Coach

It is very much barefaced that Internet affiliate marketing is a burgeoning business nowadays. It is very much appreciated by almost every Internet enthusiast that it does not only provide sorts of entertainment and education but also a fountain of income. Internet affiliate marketing has blossomed into one of the most powerful enterprises one could acquire revenue from.

Through affiliate marketing, one should be able to be employed right in the convenience of our own homes. This is a great job and business opportunity for it does not require any educational attainments or any expertise at that. The business just needs people who know computer and Internet basics as the minimum requirement. Specializations in computer courses and information technology inclinations are advantages.

But entering into this kind of business or job entails much of your time, effort and knowledge. Before finding yourself into a suitable position, you should first learn the things you need to know about Internet affiliate marketing. If you would like to know further about Internet marketing, get yourself an affiliate marketing coach.

He or she will serve as your consultant and confidant that will give you information regarding all you need to know about the industry. An affiliate marketing coach should be trustworthy and honest, shares his expertise on the field, and helps you with all your concerns and queries about Internet marketing. He must be able of providing you reliable resources for the success of your endeavor.

An affiliate marketing coach should also be sensitive with all your needs. He must be willing to teach you his formulas and strategies towards success. He must be equipped with sufficient tools in teaching you approaches for desirable results. An affiliate marketing coach must also be your confidante and adviser. In times of failures, he should encourage you to do better and improve your marketing techniques as well.

First Position At Google By Make Money Blog

With make money blogs you can get targeted traffic, even thousands of visitors, to your web site. Content rich blog is the key to succes.

Make money blog is like a web page, but much easier to use. You have to do a proper keyword research before you start to write a post. Write your post using your main keyword, so that it represents from 1 to 4 % of the total number of words.

WordPress allows you to add a list of keywords on a separate keyword list in order to direct the post to right searchers. I normally use quite a long list. By the way, if do not yet have a make money blog, surf to WordPress and get one. It is free.

You can choose one good keyword from your keyword list as your domain name. At WordPress, domain name do not have to be registered.

WorPress has strict rules, you better read them first. At WordPress it is possible to customize your blog design, which will make it like a quality website. They also has a hit counter installed for every blog plus many other fine features.

Maney making blogs can be your only way to market your internet business or you can use it as an additional tool. If you have time, I have a link in my author box, wherefrom you can get valuable tips for effetive blogging.

As you know search engines love fresh content and keywords, which means that you have good chances to rank well in search engine results, when you do the keyword research well.

But naturally your readers is the target group, not search engines. As we know, people do not buy anything right away, so make money blog offers you the chance to do a good first impression and build trust over a long time.

Your make money blog is your personal voice in the internet. When you have posted your first post, send an email to your optin email list members telling about your blog.

What is really important, is pinging every time you have posted a new post. That means that a message will be sent to directories, that something new has been posted into your make money blog. You can ping for free at Pingomatic.

What about if you do not have the time to write? Do not worry, then you can buy the articles for your make money blog from NicheArticleClub. Remember to add your link into the author box in the end.

If you want to market effectively with make money blog, I strongly recommend some reading. In my author box I give you a link to one site, which has been valuable for me.

You have to keep in mind that blogs with good keywords can bring hundreds of visitors, who appreciate quality content.

Seize the Vast Online Money Making Opportunities!

Seize The Vast Online Money Making Opportunities!

If you are looking for work or a way to supplement the income you already earn, try turning to your computer and surfing the web. The internet holds a vast amount of moneymaking opportunities. The challenge is to find and seize them.visit at

If you search the internet, you can retrieve a variety of methods to make money online. One simple way to make money is to complete surveys that compensate you for your opinion. Paid survey websites generate revenue through advertisements that appear on their sites. After receiving payment from the advertisers, you receive compensation.

For example, you could register with an online paid survey website. Online Survey websites will let you choose questions pertaining to your demographics and lifestyle to answer or They t will email you various opportunities asking you to participate in surveys that you qualify for from your membership profile.

Some other services of paid survey sites are they have will pay you to sign up for offers. The offers made available are vast and you may choose any type of offer you would like to participate in. There are offers that require you to input a lot of information and others simply need your email address.

Another way to earn some money on the internet is through transcription work. You can make a good income based on your speed. This type of work may require that you work without distraction so that you can be most effective.

Another opportunity is email processing. Email processing has become a trendy and popular opportunity that pays well. You can earn money by reading and processing emails on various topics. Your remuneration is based on the number of emails you process.

Another of my favorite methods of making money online would be to data entry websites. Most data entry companies are difficult to find, but they do exist! There are a few that require an upfront payment, but some are completely free and will pay you by the keystroke. great if you know your way around a keyboard.

An alternative to making actual money is to sign up for a site that offers free online prizes. These prizes are obtained through an accumulation of points. The points may be earned through playing games or participating in surveys. Making money online is easy and fun!

Does Money Make the World Ture Around?

Money is something that takes more and more place with us; it motivates many of us to do.

And alternatively – not do.

It is a substantial factor in our decisions.

In our choices.

It will set our life’s quality, our level of living.

It will decide what we do with our time, it will decide for us what will we do for a living, and where.

Isn’t it a bit excessive, letting a piece of paper make decisions for us?

Would you let a restaurant napkin or an A4 paper make so many choices for you?

Where are we?

Where are all the people that allow this to happen?

We were all rebels in childhood; we all dislike getting ordered around all day.

But somehow, we allow money to do that.

For years Tom didn’t go on vacation, despite all his wife’s wishes, he never did.

But one year he couldn’t hold his wife from going to vacation, and decided to allow himself some time off, of course it included a cell phone, palm pilot, laptop, and a list of phone numbers for his secretary and his right hand man in the office, that would be reachable for any question.

From the moment he went on vacation, Tom was hooked to the earplug, trying to give as best answers he could to those on the other side.

Not once a thought went through his head, which this isn’t the best time to travel.

Sometimes that thought slipped through his mouth, but his wife quickly got it out of the conversation.

When they reached the hotel, you could see from the window at the entrance the spectacular view of the island, white sands, azure-blue sea, tropical surroundings, and a few people wearing bathing suits, lying on beach beds under umbrellas.

But Tom was occupied with the heat and stickiness that the humidity left on his body.

During that day, Tom had successfully recharged all his electrical devices, and went through all the e mails he got from the moment he left.

He also got to answering most of the mail, what caused him to reach the dining room shortly before his wife finished her meal.

The moment he sat down with his plate of delicatessens he picked up from the buffet, his wife turned to him and told him she can’t do it anymore, she added assertively that she will not open the door to their room if this situation continued.

He could only return when he was in a romantic and free feeling.

After finishing her words she rose and left the dining room.

Tom was left to finish his meal. Although suddenly it lost its wonderful taste. Despite being a little shocked from his wife’s reply, he knew she was right, but he doesn’t understand, he’s doing all this for her, and the family, and their future.

After several minutes of pondering he understood he couldn’t stay in the dining room, because the staff had begun the cleaning procedure, but he can’t go up to the room, and the laptop is up there with his phone. So all that remained was going out of the hotel and looking for what to do.

He took advantage of the opportunity he had to go on a walk by the coast, something that he refrained from doing since he reach the island, if he would be asked why he refrained from looking at the beautiful view, I don’t think he would have an answer.

While walking and looking at the sea and the small waves breaking ashore, he saw a young boy, around the age of 17 or a bit less, sitting on a turned over bucket, by his side was another bucket, and in his hand a lovely wooden fishing rod, the line stretched, sounds of movement in the water were heard, and there comes a big and formidable fish, the boy carefully unhooks it, and put it in the bucket, and soon after he tilts his body backwards, and throws himself forwards, as if his body was a part of the rod, the bate lands in the water, another minute passes until the sounds reappear, and another fish comes out.

Astonished at the amount of fish accumulated in such a short while, he decides to approach him

What are you doing?

I’m fishing.

Are you selling them?

No, either I eat them or I throw them back in, no point in a lot of fish if I can’t eat them all, I only need a small amount to fill my belly.

Why don’t you take the bucket of fish, go to the market and sell them?

What would that give me?

You can get money for them, and buy a better, more professional fishhook.

What would that give me?

That way you could fish bigger, more valuable fish.

What would that give me?

That way you could get a better value for the same amount of fish.

What would that give me?

That way you could get a bigger bucket, which could contain a bigger amount of fish.

What would that give me?

You could make a lot of money, and that’ll allow you to get a fishing boat.

What would that give me?

You could sail deeper and catch more and bigger fish, and make more money selling them.

What would that give me?

You could buy several boats with crews, and make a lot of money.

What would that give me?

You could export them abroad, and be a millionaire.

What would that give me?

Then you could sit here on the bucket and fish for fun.

But, that’s what I’m doing right now!

Try stopping your reading for a second, closing your eyes, and remembering the most blissful moment in your life, the same moment where you told yourselves – I wish this will never end.

Try to see who you were then?

What were you doing?

Who was with you?

How did you look like?

After feeling that place open your eyes.

Did money appear there?

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he has the courage to lose sight of the shore”

Noam Mankowitz (pmcc)

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Online Money Making Secrets for Affiliate Marketing – Where to Find it

Affiliate marketing is to sell other peoples products and services and receive money.

Online money making secrets for affiliates marketing is available on the internet and one has to search and dig it out and use it.

But the beauty is that, it has been discovered and most of it is a package for a small fee. Some has compiled them in an ebook. Some comes with free tutorial, others in report form and membership sites you sign up to join then they will provide you the secret step by step.

If you really want to succeed in making money online then you have to take the bold step, search and join a program or buy the secret methods. Other marketers give you

a report and requires you to purchase additional products to use the free information.

You have to read wide as affiliate because you are selling information products and you have to be sharp and updated. Unless you have found a system that does sale and promotion for you and all you have to do this generate traffic to your site or affiliate link and sell the product.

Search on google, yahoo, MSN, Infoseek you will pull down hundreds of pages providing secrets of online money making. But do not believe the hype. See the proof and read the sales letter and check if they are workable. Ask yourself if you can use the product and make good part-time income.

There are so many affiliate marketing programs out there, select program which will give you auto pilot business. With this system you do less work. All you concentrate on is to send traffic to your site using a website and other product promotion methods online. There are more online money making secrets for affiliate marketers in my report.

Make-money-make-friends-make Sense!

Once in a life time an opportunity comes your way where you walk into an amazing world of untold possibilities. Zenzuu is that opportunity. I am so excited about this once in a lifetime opportunity. I have met a tremendous amount of wonderful people at the first pre-launched convention in Las Vegas and brought back with me a feeling of family in this wonderful Social Network. To the founder and all of the original members who are working so hard to make this happen for us

What Is ZenZuu?

ZenZuu is a Social Network that helps you make money!

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Zenzuu gives you the opportunity to keep in touch with a massive global community anytime, anywhere. Unlike other social networks, we allow you to make money just for doing the same old things such as creating a profile, signing others up as well as the ability to take part in our Ad Revenue Sharing. ZenZuu gives you all the standard features you’d expect such as the ability to share your pictures, videos, music and more. Whether you want to make new contacts for business or for pleasure ZenZuu gives you all the tools necessary.

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Why not now?

These days almost everyone has heard of the internet or even has an email address. The internet is getting bigger and bigger every day. And it’s not just on our computers any more. It’s on our phones, portable devices and even our televisions. Now is the time to take advantage of the technologies and benefits of Web 2.0 and the overwhelming growth of Online Social Networking. There are other social networks out there of course that let you communicate online, but none that want to make you money. With ZenZuu you can create an account in about 60 seconds and immediately thereafter gain the ability to sign up unlimited users.

I enjoy ZENZUU because this is the First Social Network site that is giving Ordinary People Worldwide the Opportunity to increase their monthly income for the effort they put into sharing about it with others. Along with additional income streams that are available for our choosing. Cheers! Our Partnership.

Is Amazon’s Kindle Ebook Reader a Money-making Opportunity for Authors and Publishers?

Jeff Bezos changed the way people choose and buy books when he started Amazon. For many authors, Amazon has been a lifeline, breathing new life into books that had long since stopped being stocked by most bookshops. Amazon’s clever reader reviews, recommendations and “people who bought this also bought” feature have pulled dusty, forgotten books from the back of the store and stuck them in the front window again.

Now Bezos and the Amazon team are taking their revolution one step further. On November 16, 2007, they finally launched their much-anticipated electronic-book reader, the Kindle.

This new device is intended to make reading a book as easy and pleasurable on a portable screen as it is on paper. The big advantages the device has are that it can store more than 200 books, it can easily be updated with new books and it is light and portable. Most books, including new best sellers, cost $9.99. Some classics can be downloaded for as little as $1.99. Subscriptions to newspapers, magazines and blogs can cost 99 cents each or up to $14 a month.

Will the Kindle Succeed?

Content is going digital, of that we can be sure. Books, newspapers, radio, TV, magazines, courses and videos are all migrating to the Web. Many content producers are fighting the move, because making money online is seen as being far more problematic than in the “real” world, but user behavior is forcing the shift. Every bit of research undertaken on user habits clearly shows a reduction in the use of traditional media and an increase in the use of the Internet. In one survey of the “born digital” generation (that’s 12- to 18-year-olds), 87% said they consider the Web to be their primary source of information. These are the customers of tomorrow.

Does it follow that if content is going digital, then a product such as the Kindle, which makes this content portable, will likely be a great success?

My feeling is that portable reading devices will eventually become the norm, but it certainly won’t happen overnight, for several reasons. First and foremost, there is fundamentally nothing wrong with the paper book. People like books. They are used to them. Books don’t crash. They can be shared. I think the baby boomer generation will take a lot of convincing to move to electronic books. The advantages are negligible for the average casual reader.

Second is the cost. The Kindle is being launched at $399, plus $9.99 for each book. That is a lot of paperbacks for little advantage. In addition, Amazon has decided to charge for a lot of information that is free on the Web, such as newspapers and blogs. Had they provided this information for free and just charged for books, they might have attracted the Web generation. As it is, early adopters will download the blogs and newspapers onto their smartphones and stick with paper books.

“So as a Content Creator, Should I Ignore the Kindle?”

No! While I don’t think there is anything that you need to do immediately, you should proactively monitor how Kindle and similar products do. Portable reading devices will come of age and be an important means of distributing content. In the meantime, I can see several trends that could encourage their uptake and that could become near-term opportunities for the specialist information publisher:

- Business books - I think that ebook readers could be adopted by companies to distribute business books, reports, industry magazines and blogs.

- Schools and colleges - I believe there is a huge opportunity for schools and colleges to utilize these devices to provide a much greater variety of books and information for their students. It is common for teachers and professors to have their students read just a single chapter of a textbook, but this can be impractical in the physical world. Ebook readers could be the answer.

- Books without publishers - More and more books are being written and published without publishers. Many of them are available only in digital format to minimize costs for authors. If this trend continues, which I think it will, then ebook readers could become important devices.

- Value-added books - One trend that could happen is books becoming enhanced by third-party comments. For example, Tony Blair could add notes to Bill Clinton’s autobiography, giving his perspective on events. In a digital content world, annotating and distributing the enhanced version would be easy to do.

- Free books - There are thousands of books out of copyright. If these books became available for free to people with ebook readers, it could create demand.

- Green pressure - Creating books, newspapers and magazines is a very energy-wasting, resource-draining, green-unfriendly process. We chop down trees, transport them to factories, mash them into pulp, move the pulp to other factories to press into sheets, ship the sheets to plants to cover them with ink, then use large machines to cut and bind them, and finally ship them around the world. The ebook reader makes this whole process go away. This could be one of the biggest factors that will make ebook readers successful.


Ebook readers will take off in the future as the technology improves, prices drop and the “born digital” generation becomes the mass market. In the meantime, there will be pockets of opportunity for online content publishers. You will need to keep an eye on developments and be creative to generate revenues from this opportunity.

Some Tips to Create Money Making Blogs

Blogs are becoming ever more popular on the internet, and although you may not actually realize it but you could find yourself making money from them. There has been some things written about ways of making money through blogging, but not many. However, since the publication of WordPress Goldmine this has really changed and below we look at how this could help you to make money through your blog.

But first let us explain a little bit about blogs. A blog is in fact a weblog, which is a way for people to now express their own individual’s opinion on a certain subject matter or may even be about themselves. Each blog is made up of just one web page and entries will then be posted to it on a regular basis starting with the most current addition at the starting.

Many people now have their own blogs on the internet, covering a wide variety of subjects but some still have not actually realized that they can make money from theirs. There are several ways in which money can be made from a blog and in WordPress Goldmine you will find just some of the ways that are accessible. But in order for you to be able to do this you first need to decide just what subject that your blog is going to be about.

Perfectly, what you are aiming to do with your blog is gain the trust of those people who come to read it. Certainly, once you have been able to gain these people’s trust then in all likelihood they are much more likely to try any of the products that you are recommending to them.

When it comes to producing good quality blogs this is where WordPress shines. Yes there are various different types of blogging platforms available for you to use, but WordPress is the easiest of them all to use and understand. Although, it must be said that Blogger follows a very close second behind it. But the author of WordPress Goldmine as the name recommended has used the one that is rated first of all blogging platforms.

When it comes to setting up a blog using WordPress you will find that whole process very simple and easy to complete. But first you must register with the site and once this is done then you can start building your first ever blog with them. In fact building the blogs will cost you nothing and will only take a few minutes for you to complete and then all you need to do is start adding more information to it once it is up and running.

It is vital that what you post to your blog is not only significant information but that which your readers will find useful. Through WordPress Goldmine the author explains precisely how to find the right kinds of blog posts that you should be making for yours, and it does not even matter if you have no real knowledge about the subject that you have selected for your blog.

The WordPress Goldmine e-book explains completely the steps that one should be taking in order that a person can actually start to profit from any blogs that they have. It helps you to avoid those mistakes which many novices new to blogging make and which end up wasting them time and losing them money. Through this e-book you will learn about how to set up your blog correctly, selecting the right subject matter and the right products that you should advise to your visitors.

Ten Ways to Make Blogging Work for Your Business

is quickly becoming the new favorite for small business marketers. Mainly because of the amazing results they received when they blog regularly. And publicity isn’t the only benefit to blogging. There are many ways that blogging can add merit to your business. In fact, The Wall Street Journal recently featured The CWAHM blog in an article on how blogging can help small businesses create a buzz for their products and services. The results from this were amazing and prove that blogging truly works:

Here are the top ten ways to use blogs to increase your business revenue.

1. Ad revenue - Offering paid advertising on your blog is one of the easiest ways to see tangible evidence of the benefits of blogging.

2. Link swaps - Swapping links with other like-minded bloggers increases your standing with search engines. One of the biggest blogs available,, recently completed a survey in an attempt to find where bloggers get the most traffic? The overwhelming response? Google at 46%. This shows us how important search engine ranking are. Link swaps are just one way to improve yours.

3. Reviews - Another growing trend online is that of the customer review. People appreciate reading the thoughts of others before they purchase a product. It doesn’t seem to matter how big or small the product, either. Posting reviews of books you’ve read, CDs you love, etc, is a great way to generate traffic for your blog.

4. Free offers - Who doesn’t love a freebie? There are many ways of using freebies to your advantage.You can offer a free ebook when someone signs up for your newsletter is an easy way to build your subscriber base. Many blogs also offer contests for those who post comments or interact in other ways on the blog.

5. Blog tours - Being a part in a blog tour is like being the next stop along the railroad. If set up correctly, the tour will send participants from one blog to the next to read more about whatever topic the tour is covering. I’ve participated in many blog tours for book releases. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to bring new readers to your blog.

6. Networking - It goes without saying that building relationships with people is one of the oldest ways of gaining long-time, loyal customers (or in this case, readers). Taking part in the comments discussion on blogs and forums is a great way to do this. The key, though, is to be authentic. Don’t simply blast places with the link to your blog; take part in the discussion and provide useful information - not just your URL.

7. Directories - Listing your blog in blog directories is probably not the best way to generate traffic, but it can be useful in certain ways. It’s a great way to connect with other like-minded bloggers and possibly generate some link exchanges, etc.

8. Press/Media - Getting media attention can be challenging. One great way to bring your blog to the attention of the media is to send out Press Releases when something newsworthy happens on your site. For instance, when I offered a free e-book on my site for Mother’s Day I put together a press release to announce it to the world.

9. Consistency - Posting on a regular basis is key. Try to find a schedule that works for you and stick to it. Even if you can’t blog every day, work to get posts out there two to three times a week. Most blogging software, including Wordpress and Blogger, allow you to set the date and time our post will be published. Utilize tools like this to keep your blog consistently updated with fresh, new content.

10. Updates - Finding ways to keep your readers informed is a sure-fire way to keep them coming back to your blog. There are a quite a few ways of accomplishing this, such as offering a newsletter, setting up a account, and making your RSS feeds easy to find and subscribe to.

Diana Ennen, co-author Virtual Assistant - The Series: Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA, and co-host of MomCast Live, has been blogging for the past few years and states, “One of the greatest benefits I see to blogging is the results you see in Google ratings. Often times I will post to my blog and it will appear in my Google Alerts almost instantly. I post all my articles on my blog, as well as client’s articles and press releases. It’s a great way to generate more exposure for all your marketing efforts if you use your keywords effectively. If I’m posting on virtual assistants, I will make sure I post the keywords Virtual Assistants in the title and throughout the posting.”

Want to take your business to the next level or even six-figure status? It can be as easy as learning the ins and outs of blogging. Once you start seeing the results, you’ll be a believer just like us.

About the Author

Jill Hart is the founder of Christian Work at Home Moms, Jill is a contributing author in Laundry Tales, The Business Mom Guide Book, I’ll Be Home For Christmas and Faith Deployed: Daily Encouragement For Military Wives. Jill has articles published across the web on sites like and Jill and her husband, Allen of reside in Nebraska with their two children. Jill is also the co-host of MomCast LIVE,

Secret Shopping

Secret shopping sounds mysterious and fun and well, shopping is great no matter what. Secret shopping in its basic form is shopping someone or someplace without the person or business knowing it. Shopping secretly seems to draw on this fantasy of part detective, part spy, and part shopaholic. In the best scenario you receive your “mission” and then go to the location and pretend to be a real customer all while noticing all the things going on around you. Some secret shopping companies will have the shopper actually purchase something so that the whole shopping encounter seems more realistic. If you search the words, “secret shopping” on the Internet you will get over 4 million hits on websites that have something to do with secret shopping.

There are all types of secret shopping businesses out there. There are businesses, corporations and large chains that have their own department or group of people that travel around and try to shop the stores. Sometimes this is part of the internal security team that helps reduce shrinkage or loss prevention specialists. Then there are the companies and stores that will choose to hire a secret shopping company who specializes in secret shopping that specific industry.

Some of the things that in person secret shops might uncover are:

How many customers in the store when entering?

Did anyone greet you when entering the store or how long did it take for someone to greet you after walking in the door?

Was the store neat and clean?

Did anyone offer to help you find an item or offer to help you?

Was the associate dressed appropriately?

Was the bathroom clean?

Was the associate using their time wisely?

Did an associate offer to get you a shopping bag, shopping cart, or basket or to start a dressing room for you?

Did the associate let you know of any specials or promotions going on in the store

Was it easy to navigate through the store?

How long did you have to wait to check out?

Was the cashier friendly?

Were your items rang in correctly?

Did the associate offer to open a store credit account?

Did the cashier thank you for coming in?

These are just a few questions that a secret shopper might have to fill out when doing a report on how the shop went. Of course depending on the company, different key areas would be listed and other items of interest that would be specific to that company. Besides a person going into a store and shopping them, some companies are having their shoppers wired for sound and or video. While a person can go to a place and shop and come up with their opinions, sound and video are hard to ignore. Often sound and video are used in extreme circumstances where sound and video would implicate a person or business of a wrongdoing.

There is a show on television right now that shows all kinds of hidden video of stealing, people acting stupid, intoxicated, fighting, driving recklessly, and more. It just goes to show you what people will watch on television. But is proves a powerful tool for incrimination or reprimanding employees.

What kind of business would use a secret shopping service? Lots of businesses use a secret shopping service whether it is an internal monitoring or hired out by a company that specializes in secret shopping. Corporate businesses would use a secret shopping service to make sure that the individual franchise or store is keeping up with the company’s rules and regulations. While some franchises are individually owned they still have to sign a contract with the home office that they will uphold the standards, appearances, and make sure that all the stores are virtually the same. Smaller businesses might use a secret shopping service for a number of things like monitoring, training, compliance, or incentive based information. Monitoring is just that, a basic service that gives the manager or owner a simple description of the secret shop. On going training is essential to any business so companies can use secret shopping to help with continued training. Compliance goes a little further with specific areas of sales, customer service, safety, and rules being covered. Incentive based secret shopping is when the person or business being shopped and that said person or business doing a great job would get a reward. The reward could be monetary, time off, bonus, lunch, or other items that the owner or manager will choose.

Some companies choose to do telephone secret shopping instead of or in addition to the in person secret shop. Telephone secret shopping uses the same principles as above except the whole interaction is done over the telephone. Modern software and telephone equipment have made this type of secret shopping easier and more secretive. But with technology comes the backlash of trying to be secretive, the arch nemesis of the telephone secret shopping world, caller id. There are ways around caller id and they will not be shared in this essay, but if you need to bypass a caller id there are systems that can do it, just check out the Internet. So the basic telephone secret shops goes like this:

Store-”Hi, thanks for calling XYZ business, this is Bob, how can I help you today?”

Shopper- “Hello Bob, I was wondering if you could give me some information about your….”

Store- “Sure, I can help you with that. You see here at XYZ business we have…”

You can see where this is going.

The telephone secret shop is typically recorded to an audio system or to the Internet where the call can be retrieved at a later date. Different software systems allow the secret shopping calls to be listened to online in real time or saved and sent via email when the audio format is in MP3. This software also allows its user to edit the call. Trimming the call in the beginning before the rings start and after both parties have hung up allow the call to remain in a manageable length. Some companies record the call and then send it to their clients on a CD. The CD allows the manager or owner to listen and share the call with the employee.

Are you looking for a secret shopping job? There are many established secret shopping companies out there that are looking for shoppers, but how do you know which ones to trust. First of all, like the old saying goes, “if it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is” so don’t fall for all the Internet hype about secret shopping. Could you in reality find a reputable secret shopping company and make some money, yes, if you do your homework. This is such a serious issue that the Federal Trade Commission has advice on how to avoid being scammed by fake secret shopping companies. Here is some advice on how to avoid bogus secret shopping companies:

Do your homework; check out the company BEFORE you give them any personal information

Beware of catchy banners and click me sites that offer to hire secret shoppers off of the Internet. This is a “sounds too good to be true” situation.

Check with the Better Business Bureau about background information on the company before you jump in with both feet.

Many fake secret shopping sites want you to complete “offers” before you are assigned any jobs. These offers are actually ways for that site to gather information about you like your name and email. Offers like; try these magazines or a free trial offer for who knows what, and all you have to give them is your information and sometimes a credit card number. These sites are known to sell or use your email to spam sites that will then riddle your inbox with tons of junk email.

If you know someone who is a secret shopper ask them how they got into the business and I bet they will have some advice of their own to share.

It’s not as easy as it seems, there is often some travel involved and reports have to be written in detail, called in, typed or emailed for you to be able to get paid per job.

So if you are looking for a secret shopping company or a secret shopping job, the bottom line is check the company out before doing business with them. Ask for business references (and call them, just giving a sheet a references won’t do you any good if you don’t call them), check with the better business bureau and ask around. The time you spend doing your homework before you hire or look for a secret shopping job will pay off in the end. There are some great secret shopping companies out there that offer secret shopping services and your business will prosper from the knowledge and training that a reputable secret shopping business can provide for you.